Greatest Need
  • Unrestricted gifts to the ENA Foundation help support the mission of providing educational scholarships, research grants and continuing education within the discipline of emergency nursing.
ENA Foundation Scholarships
  • Gifts to the ENA Foundation Scholarship Fund help support the mission of the ENA Foundation by providing support for academic scholarships awarded to emergency nurses. Gifts to the ENA Foundation since 1991 have provided over $2.5 million in support for emergency nurses in the form of scholarships, grants and leadership opportunities.
ENA Foundation Research
  • Gifts to the ENA Foundation Research Fund help continue the mission of the Foundation by supporting research grants for emergency nurses.
Emergency Relief Fund
  • The ENA Foundation has created an emergency relief fund to provide immediate support to ENA members facing financial hardship due to a natural or man-made disaster. The ENA Foundation will open and close this fund based on need and funding levels. Please consider a contribution to ENA Foundation's emergency relief fund dedicated to supporting emergency nurses during this times of crisis.
Jeff Solheim International Endowment
  • Jeff Solheim International Endowment
Anita Dorr Memorial Endowment
  • Anita M. Dorr, RN, FAEN (1915-1972), was the co-founder and first executive director of the National Emergency Department Nurses Association. Mrs. Dorr's contributions to the specialty of emergency nursing are wildly recognized, including her 1967 invention of the first emergency nursing crisis cart, now known as the "Crash Cart".
Barbara Ann Stout Appalachian Endowment
  • Barbara Ann Stout Appalachian Scholarship
Castner & Spencer Family Research Endowment
  • The Castner and Spencer families have created a research endowment with ENA Foundation to support the accelerated research trajectories for nurse scientists with active programs of research in the post-doctoral to mid-career phases of their career. Please consider making a gift in support of this fund. Your donation will help fuel the future of emergency nursing!
Dr. Mary and Walt Kamienski Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Mary and Walt Kamienski Impact Fund
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